Stoneware Photos
We also seek to purchase good-quality, original photos which might depict the interior or exterior of a saloon, drug store, barber shop, bottling works, pottery, or brewery. Photos of groups of employees in front of an identifiable brewery, cigar factory, pottery, or saloon are also of interest to us, as are early scenes of people drinking.
*Click any photo to see an enlarged version of the picture.
 Employees of the Minnesota Stoneware Co. of Red Wing, Minnesota. Minnesota Stoneware was in business from 1883 until 1906 when it merged with Red Wing Stoneware Co. to form the Union Stoneware Co.
 We found this image, already framed, during the final hours of a Minneapolis estate sale several years back. It was lying on the floor, face down, and the wording "Employees of the Illinois Glass Company - 1875," printed on the reverse, caught our eye. This company was formed in Alton, Illinois, in 1873.